Thanksgiving Day!!!
We had an awesome Thanksgiving this year! We spent the day at Josh's mom and dad's house. It was so much fun to get to hang out with everybody. I love this time of year!!! I know it can be pretty chaotic, but I love the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We had a great dinner (thanks Teena) and I only managed to spill half the pan of sweet potatoes in the back of my car while transporting them from my house to theirs :) After dinner we all just got to hang out. Quinten and Josh had a blast playing the Wii. It was pretty funny to watch them duke it out.
Quinten and Josh boxing on the Wii
The next day Marc and Teena watched the boys while Josh and I went with his friends from high school and their wives to the Boise State game against Fresno. His friend Quinton (yes this is who my little guy is named after) helped build the sky suites above the stadium, so he got us tickets on the 2nd row (thanks Quint and Steph). We drove up with his other friend Trever and his wife Barb. Awesome news by the way, Barb finally gets to use the big "R" word - yes she's in remission!!! I couldn't be more happy for you guys right now. All those prayers really were heard!! Quinton also got all access passes at the game so we could go up and see the sky suites. It was pretty awesome to see the game from up there! Oh yeah, so Josh got his fifteen minutes of fame on ESPN. I guess he saw the camera filming the fans and started hollering and stuff, and all of us girls are looking at him like he's crazy because it is like 2nd down and nothing very exciting is happening. So then about 10 seconds later his boss calls and says he saw him on ESPN. It was pretty funny because I think Josh's boss is the only person we even know that saw it because everyone else missed the first of the game. We also got to eat dinner at this awesome place called Baja Fresh. It was awesome Mexican food and highly recommended. It was the longest that I've left Gavin since he was born, and he wouldn't let me out of his sight when I got home. Sometimes it's nice to know you're missed :) It was such a fun day - thanks everybody!!
but that blur at the very top of
the suites is Josh & Quinton.
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a great time at the game and a great Turkey Day. Hope you have a good Christmas
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