Last year on Halloween, we had a billion kids come trick-or-treating at our house and we ended up running out of candy within the first hour. I even scrounged around our pantry and gave out fruit snacks and microwaveable popcorn. Josh finally told me to just turn off the lights before I ended up giving out cans of soup. So this year I was prepared. I bought a literal ton of candy along with all sorts of other little things like Halloween pencils. Well go figure, we barely got any kids this year. Josh ended up pretty much dumping armfuls of candy into all the kids sacks just to get rid of it all. I was a total slacker mom this year because I had absolutely no idea on what Gavin's costume should be, and anyone who knows me knows that I am one of the biggest procrastinators you will ever meet - but in my defense I have to say that it gets done, it just gets done at the last minute ;) So I ended up just wrapping him up in tin foil just long enough to get a picture and I guess in the future when he asks me what he was for his first Halloween, I'll just tell him he was a baked potato. I figure it was very Idaho of me.
Josh and I have this joke about Mr. Potato Head that is kind of dumb so I won't bore you with the story, but for his costume I taped little pieces of Mr. Potato Head onto the back of his shaved head so he could be Mr. Potato Head. 
I was a party pooper and didn't dress up. I was so exhausted by the end of the day that I ended up crashing on the couch after the kids passed out from an extreme sugar high. I think Josh felt pretty bad for me because he carried me into bed-which I'm sure was no easy task.
Gavin has accomplished a few baby milestones over the past few weeks. He started by sitting up all by himself. It's so nice to be able to just set him down and not have to worry about him flopping over when he gets excited. He went to his six month checkup back in October and he weighed almost 20 pounds. He absolutely LOVES food! Quinten never seemed to enjoy eating all that much, but Gavin will eat anything you put in front of him. He squeals anytime you don't get the spoon to him fast enough. I also discovered his first tooth on November 2nd while I was eating at Red Lobster with my mom. I'd say overall he is a pretty happy little guy (much more content than Quinten was) even though he's decided that he wants to be a morning person, which I am not. The other morning he woke up at 3:00 and never even took a nap until almost noon. I guess I'm just blessed with two boys who require no sleep to function. He's now working on crawling which mostly ends up with him face planting, but he's getting there.
Quinten has been loving preschool. So far the teacher has only lost him once. Apparently he decided to be independent and go outside to wait for mom and left all the other kids and teacher inside. Sometimes I miss those days when he couldn't walk. Quinten's new found loves are pistachios and spinach. He'll sit and shell pistachios all day and then says he wants salad. This is a whole new Quinten since his past loves were chocolate and burritos. I had to laugh the other day because Quinten has finally started to like kid shows. In the past he's picked some of the oddest shows to watch. His first favorite was Sports Center. He wasn't even a year yet and all we had to do was turn on Sports Center and he would stop crying. Then he loved America's Funniest Home Videos, followed by Wipeout, MXC, and Ninja Warrior, and now he's into Tom and Jerry.
Josh got his deer out on the desert between Arco and Blackfoot. He shot it out in the middle of the lavas and then had to pack it out 3 miles in the dark while it was snowing. I kind of thought it was funny even though I know he didn't. I thought Quinten would be grossed out seeing the deer and all, but he was right there in the middle of it. A true boy I guess. 
I'll have to post some pictures later of what I've been up to lately. Josh was awesome this summer and bought me all the stuff I needed to start doing photography. I hated missing all these great pictures of my kids because my little tiny camera would take too long to focus and take the picture. So he bought me a really nice camera and I've had so much fun blinding my kids to death. I think they both just want to turn and run when they see me reach for my camera. Luckily for me Gavin can't crawl yet, so I have a few more weeks to torture him - sorry son.
Quinten is one cute ninja turtle. I was going go call you today and ask how your Halloween was, nevermind. :) Mr. Potato Head was pretty funny. Gavin on the other hand, I don't know if he will buy the baked potato exscuse when he gets older! We'll see. Anyway, check out my blog, I have some Halloween pics up too. I'll call you soon, I need some help with Talia's birthday party. love ya
Looks like you guess had a good one. i love the mr potato head! Thats great. Your kids are growing so fast.
That is so funny you guys wrapped your baby up in tin foil for his Halloween costume! He'll look back on that and think Mom what the heck?! lol Mason is still not sitting up, I'm kinda jealous that your baby does! I still do have to worry about him throwing himself backwards onto the floor!
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