All of my mom and dad's grandkids
We spent a lot of time out 8-mile. Quinten ended up throwing his Crocs in the stream, so we had to drive in to Alco to get him new shoes. Well, the selection was pretty slim and the only shoe that was even in his size was a pretty pair of pink girl's shoes. I figured who really cares what he looks like out camping so I bought them. It was pretty funny though because he sure thought they were pretty cool. He kept showing them off to everybody saying "Look at my new pink shoes." Then my nephew Caden went wading in the stream with Josh's hip waders to see if he could find Quinten's old shoes. So he stuck this huge stick under the bank and lifted it up and out pops Quinten's shoes, two balls, and a Frisbee. It was pretty funny to see what all the other past campers have lost down the same stream.

Quinten and his pretty pink shoes
Earlier this summer Josh surprised me and bought me a really nice new camera, so with hunting season coming up I decided to surprise him and get him a four-wheeler. Quinten was so excited he could barely handle it. Anything with a motor and wheels on it is the coolest to him. Josh was way excited, especially about the power steering part, and he put 100 miles on it the first weekend we took it out.
Quinten on Josh's new four-wheeler
My family took a trip up to Birch Creek so the guys could all go antelope hunting. It's the first time I've been camping with my brothers, sister, and dad in a long, long time. It had to be one of the funniest family camping trips I've ever experienced. Anybody who knows my dad would know why. First off, I'm in charge of cooking, which was totally fine by me. The only problem was, my dad said he would get half of the stuff on the grocery list. I should have left him with easy things like cookies, because when I asked for chicken breasts to make Dutch oven chicken, I ended up with two bags of fully cooked chicken patties and chicken nuggets (yes, the microwaveable kind). Josh and I were the first to get up there, and after waiting and waiting we could finally hear the old diesel truck. About 5 minutes later it finally arrives pulling the old hunting trailer behind it. My dad and two brothers are so wedged in the front of that truck that I'm sure there would have been no need for seatbelts if they would have wrecked because none of them would have budged. Both of my brothers are complaining about how the huge oversized semis hauling wind turbines for the wind power projects were passing them as they were going 35 mph up Fish Creek. We hiked up to this awesome cave that had petroglyphs of an antelope on the rock. It was pretty cool to see. It was a pretty fun trip. My dad's version of the whole escapade is in this week's edition of the Caribou County Sun. Let's just say at least the women in the family were smart enough to bring the camper with AC and heating.
Gavin and me after our hike up to the petroglyph
Dad "roughing it" by being the only one to sleep outside
Gavin has been growing like a weed. It's kind of sad to think that my little guy is no longer so little. Over the summer he has mastered the art of rolling all over the place and he's recently started sitting up.
Quinten starts preschool on September 9th. He's so excited to get to go, so we've been working on the potty training thing. I'll say we're about 90% there. It's that dear sweet 10% that's about ready to push me over the edge. I swear he just wants to see my face when I discover the present he has left for me on the floor.
How fun! I can't believe how big Gavin is! He's huge! And so cute by the way! I'm loving the pink shoes! Too funny...I love it that he actually liked them! Oh yeah, I forgot to put a warning label on that post about those cookies! They are super yummy and way addicting. I think about making them ALL them time. I never do though...because I know the result...I don't know how to share! Take care Amanda, We should get together sometime if you are in Blackfoot...and let our kids would be fun!
Sounds like a fantastic summer! Knowing your family - the campout was an adventure to say the least! I love the story about the chicken. Your dad has always made me laugh. Way to go with Quinten and potty training. In talking to Shannon, it has been a huge trial for you. I am amazed at what a loving and patient mommy you are!! Oh, by the way - pink shoes! CLASSIC! Make sure his future girlfriends get a gander at those pics! What a cute family you have!
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