We then went to the carnival. Josh and I took the boys on the tilt-a-whirl thinking that it wasn't really going to be that bad...we were wrong. Amazingly, the kids were little troopers through the whole thing, even Gavin, but by the time Josh and I got off I think we were both about ready to puke.

We spent the next week over in Carey for another volleyball tournament. And then the week after that was the Snake River volleyball tournament...is anyone seeing a pattern here? I told Josh that ever since I married him my life revolves around a certain sequence of events...basketball season, football season, volleyball season, softball season, and then hunting & fishing season!
These pictures are kind of random but I thought this was too cute...
I love, love, love these girls!!! So much fun!!!
Quinten started Preschool again! He was pretty excited to go back to see his teacher and friends!
First day of Preschool
(okay, so I actually took the picture about 6 hours later after we visited the pool with grandma and grandpa, hence the crazy looking hair)

So I took Quinten to the dentist to get his teeth fixed the other day. They sedated him because he's kind of grabby at the equipment and we figured it would just be easier this way. Well once they got his mouth numb he couldn't feel his lip so he actually bit down really hard on it and this is what the end result looked like! 
It was pretty funny because he was so goofy while the sedation was wearing off. He even swallowed the cotton gauze roll that they told him to bite down on! They told me he would go home and sleep for 3-8 hours. Well, he only slept for just over an hour! He was hyper and acting so funny! It was like having a little tiny 4 year old drunk in my house. He wouldn't sit still so I had to follow him around and make sure he didn't run into anything. What can I say, not even Versed can keep this kid down!
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