Well nothing too exciting has been happening lately. We spent the Fourth in Soda and had a great time. I had to laugh when we took the boys to the foam in the park, because they would play in the mud puddle right next to it, but hated the foam. Leave it up to my kids to be grossed out by the highly
concentrated soap, but love the mud puddles.

My sister, mom, and me at the park
The parade on the other hand, they LOVED!
Quinten would squat down in this goofy looking football player position and when they would throw the candy he would get so excited he didn't even know which direction to move in.

Gavin was pretty much just hanging out until he figured out they were throwing food, then he was all about it. He would just squeal and take off into the road.
Hanging out at the cabin after the parade
I lucked out this weekend and got to see some of my all time favorite girls this weekend!!! I'm glad we get to go home for the Fourth so I can see everyone.
My kids would spend every waking second outside if they could. They love to help me outside. I planted raised gardens this year and Gavin loves to sit out there with his shovel and dig it all up. Luckily my garden has survived all this crazy weather (and Gavin) and is doing awesome.
I had to put these pictures on because Gavin is absolutely obsessed with his shoes. He even wears them to bed at night over his footed pajamas. Sometimes I try to slip them off at night and he'll wake up and scream until I put them back on. He'll even collect all of my shoes and I'll find piles of shoes in different spots throughout the house.

Quinten's new loves are Star Wars and swimming. He
definitely got the Sci-
fi thing from Josh because I just don't get it. He loves to go swimming. He'll sit in our big old jetted tub with his goggles on and swim along the bottom like a fish. He must have got that from Josh too because I am not a huge water person. I can vividly remember Kristin trying to teach me to dive at 23 and ending up doing nothing but belly flopping the whole time and us also going off the rope with life jackets on (wow--were we dorks or what).
Josh has so far spent most of the summer playing in tournaments. We've been able to escape a few times and go four-wheeling with the kids. My dear sweet sister somehow convinced me to train for a half marathon with her, so my summer has pretty much been spent trying not to kill myself. Anybody who knows me is totally laughing right now. I know, I know, ME trying to run a half marathon. Trust me, no one thinks it is funnier than me. I told her that if we had another sister, she would be the one who gets the joy of running it with her, but there's not, so it's all me. At least I'm finally past the part where I feel like my lungs are bleeding and I'm going to pass out, stumble into Jensen's Pond and drown. I'm actually starting to enjoy it, but I have yet to actually run the full 13 miles. I don't think I'll be enjoying it on the day of. At least there's one reassuring though--the first aid station at mile 3! So wish me luck because after August 29, I may be blogging from a hospital bed.