Then we headed to our KOA cabin. Isn't it cute!

Once we got to Bear Lake (keep in mind it has only been 2 hours since our spaghetti dinner) we found a pizza place to continue our carb load! 

We finally got all snuggled into bed for a good night's rest, but that didn't happen.

I honestly think I maybe managed to get about 15 minutes of sleep, so I now know I am perfectly capable of running 13.1 miles with basically no sleep. It rained all night, but luckily it let up as we began our run. It was so stinking cold though. There was one part of the run where the pavement turned into a dirt road, so we spent the whole time slipping and trying to run in the ditch. You could totally tell who ran the half marathon because they had mud up the back of their legs. We ended up with a time of 2:14:17 which was 150th overall (including the guys) and 20th out of our age group. I would say that is quite the improvement from my last half marathon which was almost a half hour slower plus this time we didn't have to stop or walk the entire time! It's just proof that a training schedule actually works! I'm so thankful for my awesome running partner. I honestly don't think I could have done that without her...I love you Jesse! 

Before the race..like I said, no sleep for us!After the race!
Thanks girls for the great time! We'll have to do it again!