So the past couple of months have been absolutely crazy! Sorry for the long post...this is what happens when you procrastinate blogging and have to play catch up.
Josh had his wisdom teeth out at the beginning of March. Everything went pretty good except that they hit the nerve on his left side and to this day he is still completely numb on that side. They said the feeling will either eventually come back, or it could be numb for the rest of his life. I'm just hoping it comes back, even if it takes a while, because watching him try to eat without having feeling on that side is almost sad!
Two weeks after his surgery he went to Pittsburgh to work out there for a couple of weeks. The boys missed him like crazy.

Josh at the Hard Rock in Pittsburgh

On April 2nd, Josh and I celebrated our 5th anniversary! My awesome in-laws took the boys so we could go to dinner without having to battle the boys. All Gavin could talk about when they got home was Papa's cows. I swear that boy is going to be a rancher.
Gavin turned 2 on April 11th. I'm glad he was only turning 2 and probably won't remember his birthday, because I totally dropped the ball on that one. We were all kind of sick (poor Gav had an ear infection) so we just lounged around the house. I did manage to make him a cake, and I have yet to figure out how I screwed up a boxed cake...again! Somehow I can whip one up from scratch with no problems, but apparently 3 ingredients and simple printed instructions are just too much for me! Good thing Gavin will eat absolutely anything!

Quinten has been loving school. He misses the deadline for Kindergarten this year, so I lucked out and he'll be able to go back to his same teacher again next year. She is absolutely amazing and I'm so excited he gets another year with her.
On the 21st of April, I turned 25! Josh woke up that morning and asked me how it felt to be 26. I said I didn't know but would let him know next year when I actually turned 26! At least he actually remembered this time...yes, we've been there before. It was a great birthday though and I got totally spoiled!
So the week before my birthday I did something I haven't done in years...I blacked out! I got up at 2:00 in the morning and went into the bathroom and passed out. Josh came in and found me lying on the floor, white as a sheet, and just dripping in sweat. It took 50 minutes from the time I passed out until Josh could actually move me without me passing back out. I would come out of it for a second and then would just go back out. I can honestly say that was the most freaked out I have ever been. I just felt like my body wasn't going to come back from it. I used to pass out a lot in high school and my first year of college, but it hasn't happened in a long time. When I used to pass out I would know that it was coming, pass out, and then quickly come back and was fine, but this was totally different. The doctor I saw ran a bunch of different tests. They all came back fine except for the EKG which was a little bit odd. He said it could have possibly been wrong lead placement, but if it happens again he wants me to wear a king of hearts to monitor my heart for a month. Not fun, so I'm hoping this was just some stupid random thing my body decided to do, and it won't happen again. I really, really don't want to have to go through that again.
Josh plays for a semi-pro football team called the Arco Anarchy. They play teams from the Rocky Mountain Football League like Boise, Idaho Falls, Missoula and Logan. So far they have won their first 3 games.

The boys think it is pretty cool that their dad is playing football. They want to be just like him.
Gavin sits and points to all of Josh's bruises and says "Oweeee."

Gavin on his birthday (poor sick kid) and Josh the day after his football game in Boise.
I'll spare you the pictures of his bruised rear end, but here's a picture of one of the bruises almost a week after he got it.

So once a month for the past little while a group of us girls gets together and plays bunco. This group is a total riot and so much fun to be around.

This was our last hoorah at Applebees. Most of our group is moving away or graduating and moving on to bigger and better things. I'm going to miss this group like crazy! Good luck girls!

My friend Jesse and I have been training to run the half marathon in Bear Lake this year. I never thought it would actually enjoy running, but now that I'm past the point where I feel like my lungs are bleeding and I'm going to die, I love just getting out there and running. And I have to say, I LOVE my running partner! Not only is she the best friend you could ask for, but she is my motivation to get my hiney out of bed and actually show up to Jensen's Grove. I love you're the best!!!
This is what our yard looked like on April 6th! It was the first time all year the kids got to build a decent snowman.

These boys really are the best of friends.
I thought this was hilarious. I caught Halle and Gavin red-handed in the rice krispies! Their faces are priceless!
1 box of rice krispies + 2 kids = hours and hours of entertainment!