I've been so bad about updating my blog, but it has been a pretty crazy month. We've been gone every weekend, so I spend the rest of the week trying to recover from the weekend. We had a pretty fun 4th of July. We went to Soda and watched the parade with my family. Then Josh played in the 3 on 3 basketball tournament. We then watched the fireworks at my Grandma's house, but Quinten seemed to be more interested with the fireflies flying around her yard. I didn't even know Soda had fireflies, but they were pretty cool to see.

Quinten catching candy for daddy at the parade
The next day was my nephew Caden's birthday. I can't believe he is going to be in high school this year. Josh took all the kids on the four-wheeler then we went over to my sister-in-law's parent's house and hung out. We got to ride around in her dad's model A car which was so fun and Quinten thought it was a total blast. It was "just my size" as my niece Bailey would say.
Quinten and me cruisin' town
Josh and all the cousins riding around
The next weekend we went up to Coeur d'Alene for Josh's aunt's birthday. The whole family went up there so it was a fun get together. The kids got to run around and play together while we just got to hang out outside. I love it up there. They live in the coolest place right by the lake.
Quinten and Josh in Tosha's backyard
Gavin and his cousin MaKena
We've also been camping a lot in the last little while. I would camp every day if it was up to me. Camping is definately one of my all time favorite things to do.
Camping at 8-Mile
We spent the last weekend in Arco where Josh played horseshoes, volleyball, and baseball in the Atomic Days tournament. Poor Gavin was pretty miserable cause it was so hot. It's been a pretty fun summer for us so far.
Gavin with his Aunt Julie watching Josh play baseball
I love getting to hang out with my boys and eat "pine cones" - Quinten thinks ice cream cones are called pine cones and it's one of those things that is too cute to correct.

Quinten hanging out in his playhouse eating "pine cones"